Rounding the bases – the end of classes

The end of school was fast approaching. It was hard to believe that almost a full year had gone by. It started off slow, with many adjustments and new routines in place. The second to last module was very intense. Which was Diagnostic Imaging. It started off very slow, then WHAM, lots of quizzes and tests that sent my head whirling. The instructors I had were fantastic and very helpful throughout the module. It helped make it go by with a little bit more ease. It was learning how to do more EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and how to put patients in the system. Also learning the different medical imaging categories. Some of which I was not aware of like, Nuclear Medicine. Although it was an intense module, it was very informative and helped guide me into what I would be doing as a Diagnostic Imaging clerk. If that was one of the avenues I wanted to take after graduating. Which it was, from the beginning of this course… It was one of the areas that had interested me the most. I think it is because of what I have gone through personally, quite a few different Diagnostic Procedures, that lead me to lean more to it. When you are the patient of an X-Ray and MRI, then learning about becoming a clerk in that field, it helps you become more aware of the patients you will come across and will help you remember how you felt. I remember feeling a little apprehensive and the clerks helped make me feel less anxious. So I know with my experiences it will help me make the patients come in comfortable and explain what the process will be like and hopefully help them feel at ease. The last module helped prepare me for the hospital and working environment. Then it was time to start my practicum.

Being on Practicum is very different from being at school. School ended so fast, it seemed like, before I even knew it, it was our last class. It felt like it came so fast near the end. I think it was because so many of our modules were fast paced and intense. It took a lot of hard work and discipline.

The start of practicum was a rude awakening to the real world. The kind that throws a curve ball, when you are expecting to hit the ball the first time and run to first base. Instead you dodge that curve ball and stand up to bat, tall, again. Ready for the next one, you push through with your swing, bend your knees, bare down pushing your feet into the ground, and take your best swing. I was able to stand tall and push through. I knew it was going to be different, but I guess I thought it was going to be a little bit easier? What I did learn is to not expect it to be perfect, right off the bat. It does get better. It did for me. I will update you on how it’s going!


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