My name is Michelle Dann and I’m currently taking the Hospital Support Specialist program at Stenberg College. I am 23 years old and have been working for the past five years at a car dealership. Working full time at the same job for years can be very draining and exhausting when you’re working hard and don’t see any future potential growth. I knew that I wanted to do something else but I also knew, I didn’t want to go school and graduate not knowing exactly what the next step is and in a crazy amount of debt.
I found the Hospital Support Specialist program through a suggestion from a friend. It sounded like the perfect fit for me! My past work experience provided me with a lot of experience in administration, so I thought this job would be something I was used to and can handle. The fact that the course is only one year as well… sign me up!
I’m about 17 weeks into my program and I can’t say that it’s been a smooth ride so far but it has been an exciting and rewarding journey. The first class in this program is working on basic computer skills followed by communications and finally Anatomy and Physiology (A&P), which our class wrapped up this past week. I like how each class has had a clear objective and fully prepares us for all aspects of being a Hospital Support Specialist.
Every day I walk into class knowing exactly what we are going to be learning that day, which I love because I’m able to plan for the days and weeks ahead. Our next class is going to be Pharmacology, which I’m excited about but also a bit intimidated due to what I’ve heard from students who were currently taking Pharmacology.
The first day of class
On the first day of class, I honestly had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised that our first couple of weeks of class were very relaxed. During class, we spent most of the time preparing for the course, getting to know each other, and learning about basic computer programs.
Our teacher warned us that the whole course was not going to be as easy as the first couple of weeks, so we can call this our “honeymoon.” I couldn’t agree more. It was nice though, to have those relaxing weeks to get fully prepared for what’s ahead. I appreciated that part of our class included learning how to prioritize our time and figure out how to fit class time and studying into our busy lives. We even took notes on how to take notes effectively! It may sound redundant but for someone who hasn’t been in school for over five years, I absorbed all the information and helpful tips I could get.
Learning Communications
The next class was Professional Communications. It was a quick two weeks where we learned more about our classmates and how to properly communicate with patients and coworkers in the hospital. One of the assignments that I found very interesting was writing our thoughts and opinions on things various topics like abortion, gay marriage, money, etc. and then we spent time going over and discussing what everybody’s thoughts and opinions were for each topic. It was interesting to hear what everyone had to say and how there are so many different perspectives. Most importantly, we learned even when you don’t agree with someone that doesn’t make them wrong. One of the greatest parts of Communications was that we had days we could work online and complete assignments from the comfort of our homes.
Anatomy & Physiology
For the past 11 weeks, I have been working extremely hard in Anatomy and Physiology. Before I started this course, I was told that this was going to be one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome. It was a lot of information jam packed in a short amount of time. We had many spellings tests, chapter quizzes, and exams. I can honestly say that there is nothing more satisfying than getting a good mark on a test that you studied and worked hard for. During these 11 weeks, I spent countless hours studying. I didn’t think I had it in me and feel an extreme sense of accomplishment. It was tough to balance school, work, and studying but I got through it and now I feel I can tackle anything I set my mind to.
So far, my overall experience at Stenberg has been great. Being in post-secondary has taught me a lot and I feel like I’m a more productive person. I have learned that one of the most valuable things in life is time and what we do with our time has such a significant effect on our future. I don’t take my free time for granted and I’m always trying to keep one step ahead.
It’s easy to stay motivated when you’re in a class with people who relate to exactly what you’re going through. It’s nice to be supported and encouraged by others. Past the first four months in college, I’m looking forward to what else this course has in store and I’m eager to learn more. I’m most excited about when we are going to be working in the field and getting a feel for what the job is like.
Thank you to all my teachers so far and thank you to my class for being such a positive, kind, and supportive bunch!
Are you interested in pursuing Hospital Support Specialist career? Visit Stenberg to learn more, or to speak with an advisor.