What level are you?
Listening is one of the most important skills to learn in life, and it is especially important as an Education Assistant (EA). Sometimes, people can get so preoccupied with their phones and their lives that they forget to take the time to listen to others. This type of distractedness describes a Level 3 listener.
Did you know that there are three levels of listening we all do at various points in our lives? Level of interest, emotions, and environment affect your attention level. Let’s learn about the different levels so you can see which one you use the most!
Level 1: Active listening
This level of awareness is judgment-free, and is all about openness and empathy. When you are listening at this level it is important to use open body language, make eye contact, and have empathetic responses. A lot of intention is needed for this level, because you have to be consciously listening to the speaker. Here, you listen with the heart.
Level 2: Hearing but not listening
This level is when you hear the words being said, but are listening at a more logical level. You are mostly emotionally detached and you are focused on the context and information of the conversation. This level can be dangerous because you are only partially concentrating on what is being said, so it can lead to some major misunderstandings.
Level 3: Tuning in and out, or spurt listening
Have you ever been chatting with someone while texting on your phone? This means you were tuning in and out, or spurt listening. At this level, you’re more focused on yourself and are likely to redirect the conversation to be about you. This kind of listening is quiet, passive, and non-responsive.
Now that you know what the levels of listening are, where do you think you fall? Are you the active listener, the one who hears but doesn’t listen, or the spurt listener? Though I always try to be a Level 1 listener, I can fall into Levels 2 and 3 if I am really busy or emotionally unavailable to listen.
Here’s a little challenge for you. Ask someone that you talk with often about what kind of listener they think you are!
Stay tuned for the top five skills needed to be a successful EA.
Check out a video of our Education Assistant Diploma Program.