Whether performing on stage or working in a care home, Vera Wong has always been drawn to people whose stories often remain untold. Her own life may not have followed a straight line, but her journey has been filled with twists and turns, and unforgettable “magic moments.” Ask her classmates, clients, or anyone who’s met her, they’ll all tell you the same thing: Vera is truly one of a kind.
Stepping into the spotlight

Vera’s parents made their way to Canada in the 1950s and 60s from southern China. Her parents worked tirelessly to build a better life in their new country, which, in time, allowed Vera to pursue her own dreams with determination and creativity.
She began her journey with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre from Simon Fraser University (SFU). Once an introverted individual, she found the freedom to put herself in others’ shoes through acting. Marc Diamond, former director of the SFU Theatre program, recognized her talent and praised her as one of the top 1% of students he had taught in his 15 years in the program.
“Vera was always there for us, the ‘you CAN do it’ person, a true leader and cheerleader who believed in us all.” – Christine, Classmate
All the world’s a stage
Vera didn’t stop at portraying characters on stage. By venturing into over 35 different jobs, she experienced life from multiple perspectives. This journey not only diversified her skills but also deepened her understanding of people and ultimately guided her towards 10 years of care aide and support work with older adults.
Vera’s compassion, commitment, and creative inspiration were invaluable to those she cared for. David Douglas, grandson of her first client, expressed deep gratitude for the years Vera spent supporting his grandmother. “When Vera was with my grandmother, she was in good hands–hands that offered both practical help and emotional support,” he shared. “Her calming attitude and exceptional listening skills made her an ideal companion.”
Another twist and turn

Vera loved her clients and what they were achieving, however, two traumatic work incidents left her with both physical and psychological injuries, and the recovery was challenging. But Vera’s determination and her love for helping others, especially older adults, kept her moving forward. Vera chose Stenberg College’s Therapeutic Recreation Assistant (TRA) program because of its focus on older adults.
Vera shared a very close bond with her classmates during her time at Stenberg. Christine, one of her classmates, shared how Vera supported her through the most challenging moments. “Two-and-a-half months into the program, my elderly mother fell and was hospitalized. I felt alone and scared, but Vera reached out, offering to come to the hospital. Her compassion was incredible–she sang to my mom, cheered her up, and gave me the strength to carry on.” When Christine’s mother passed away days later, Vera continued to provide comfort and support. “Only an incredibly special person would do this. Vera was always there for us, the ‘you CAN do it’ person, a true leader and cheerleader who believed in us all.”
“I love seeing my clients’ faces light up when I arrive, some of them even trying to stand from their wheelchairs!”
“Magic moments”

Vera has experienced what she calls “God’s magic moments” with many residents. Most live with dementia, and some are deeply isolated. But Vera’s genuine curiosity and empathy allow her to create special connections with them. When a resident cried out in fear, thinking her purse had been stolen, Vera didn’t correct her. Instead, Vera acted out a little scene to “find” the purse, and then calmed the resident by singing her favourite song, Fly Me to the Moon.
For Vera, these moments are about making a person feel truly seen and valued. “I want to go into their world, even if it takes us back 50 years, and celebrate who they are and the joys that their spirit still remembers.”
Vera graduated from Stenberg College with straight A+’s, an unbelievable achievement! She has continued to pursue her calling supporting older adults now as a Therapeutic Recreation Assistant with a specialized focus on the spiritual domain. She smiles as she says, “I love seeing my clients’ faces light up when I arrive, some of them even trying to stand from their wheelchairs!”
“What I thought was just a simple gesture turned out to be life-changing for my clients and friends, and that, in turn, healed me.”
The appreciation from her clients, families, classmates, and past supervisors has helped her heal. Reading their letters and hearing their words of gratitude showed her just how much her presence meant to them. “What I thought was just a simple gesture turned out to be life-changing for my clients and friends, and that, in turn, healed me.”