Ronette Arellano displaying the resources she made in ECE program

What I learned in Stenberg College’s Early Childhood Education program – Blog

Ronette Arellano displaying the resources she made in class.
Ronette displaying the resources she made in class.

My name is Ronette Arellano, and I’m currently enrolled in Stenberg College’s Early Childhood Education program. I’ve always had a passion for children. In 2012, when I worked in Hong Kong as a nanny, I would use my vacation to visit my young nephew in the Philippines. I loved spending time with him, and I got to see him reach various developmental milestones as he grew older. Here in Canada, my sister has three kids. I enjoy caring for them and learning about infancy and early childhood as they develop; it amazes me. I love to see happy children.

Prior to coming to Canada, I graduated as a Caregiver, so I know how to provide personal care to children. However, I realized that this was not enough; I wanted to do more. Stenberg’s ECE program caught my eye.

The start of my educational journey

As an Early Childhood Educator, you play, learn reciprocally, and grow with the children in your care. The Early Childhood Education program at Stenberg College has given me invaluable knowledge and opportunities to be a good educator. The professors have given me their full support throughout the program and shared all the knowledge they have. I’ve learned how to appropriately nurture, and teach children. Moreover, the importance of giving children a chance to explore their talents and abilities has really been emphasized.

As an Early Childhood Educator, I learned that children should have fun and learn through play. Our professors have given us resources that we can use when working with children in the future. I learned about the growth and development of children. I have observed children in different childcare centres, which I have found fascinating because I was able to apply what I had learned.

What I learned

I learned that it is important to provide children with time to create, play, and use their imagination to enhance their learning. As an educator, I learned about the need for a safe environment so that parents have peace of mind and children feel protected. I learned how to teach children to interact with other children by developing social responsibility and independence, practicing self-expression, critical thinking, problem-solving, and being creative in many ways. I look forward to teaching and applying the activities and resources I developed in this program. I feel prepared to support children’s learning and growth in a diverse and inclusive classroom.

A never-ending love for children

Ronette Arellano will be able to use her resources when she becomes an ECE.
Ronette will be able to use her resources when she becomes an ECE.

Being with children means never-ending learning because everyone is unique in their own way. According to Friedrich Froebel, “play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul,” and I will never forget that.

In this program, I learned how to be creative and share a variety of resources with young children, such as colour-cut and laminated stories, felt boards, foam, puppets, finger play, a binder of creative files, and a binder of children’s songs. I’m naturally a bit shy, but by taking this program, my self-confidence has improved. In effect, I learned how to become a child again to better communicate and relate with them. I fondly think back to my observation days and the children at these centres, and it is a good feeling that I could contribute to their learning and be a part of their lives.

For those who are considering a career as an Early Childhood Educator, I highly recommend Stenberg College because they can prepare you for success in the profession. They provide their full support to help you achieve your goals and help you become the best version of yourself.

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