After completing Stenberg College’s Education Assistant (EA) program in December 2021, it was time to begin my job search. I knew my first-choice school district was where I live and my kids attend school, so I decided to apply here first and hope for the best. I touched up my resume, gathered all my documents, sent in my application, and spent the next few days anxiously waiting by the phone. To my relief, I quickly received a phone call requesting an interview.
A New Beginning
Having never interviewed for a “career” before, I found the interview more thorough than I had experienced. The interviewers asked me a series of scenario questions, many of which I could answer from my practicum experience. The Career Search Strategies course, part of the EA program, had thoroughly prepared me through resume and cover letter building, reflecting on my abilities, and participating in a mock interview.

I was fortunate enough to connect with wonderful peers throughout the program. Although our course ended, we stayed in touch. Being able to discuss the interview process with them and knowing that I had a group of people cheering me on gave me confidence. Within a week, the district of my choice hired me, along with two of my classmates.
In my new role as a Casual Education Assistant, my day starts with a call to work as a float replacing an absent EA. After receiving my call, I head to the designated school, check in at the office and receive my schedule for the day, along with some notes about the students I will be supporting. Working as a float has been interesting and exciting. Every day I experience a new school and meet new kids and colleagues, and I can certainly say there has been nothing repetitive or monotonous about this career.
Life as an Education Assistant
One of the biggest perks is working the same hours my children attend school. It is a great feeling to go to work and have my own thing to focus on, yet still have time with my daughters. Of course, walking into a new situation each day is not without its challenges, but I feel well-equipped from my training through Stenberg.
In moments of uncertainty, I often find the voices of my instructors pop into my head, which helps guide me to a solution. For example, my Applied Behaviour Analysis course instructor once said that upon first meeting a child, it is essential to gain their trust before implementing any strategy. I am reminded of this daily while supporting students. Whether it is showing an interest in their favourite video game or pulling a new fidget toy out of my pack when I see they are feeling anxious, it makes all the difference in building a connection and showing them they can trust me.
I draw from my education when faced with a situation where I need to quickly adapt with minimal instruction from the teacher or help calm an elevated student and guide them to regulate themselves.
A Rewarding Career
I could go on and on about all the real-life scenarios where I applied the skills taught in Stenberg College’s Education Assistant Program. Instead, I will say that this program and the people I have met along the way have been a fantastic support system. I could not be happier with my decision to pursue this rewarding career through Stenberg College.
I make a difference every day. It is the perfect fit for my family and me.
Are you inspired to become an Education Assistant? Stenberg College’s EA program can prepare you for this career in just 41 weeks. Click here to learn more!