5 tips for a balanced life

I am not a fitness coach nor am I a health professional but these are five things that help me get through a strenuous week that involves lots of reading, listening and yelling out drink orders like, “I have a medium half-calf, nonfat, extra hot, easy foam, 2.5 pump of vanilla doubled cupped latte.” I wish I could tell you I made up that exaggerated drink order but unfortunately, it is a drink that truly exists.

Like most of you, I am pretty brain dead by Friday. Despite having a busy schedule at the Community Mental Health and Addictions Worker program, I try and find time to exercise four times a week. My sister sometimes asks me, “How do you do it?” Sometimes my answer is “I just do” and other times I take a moment to think about the little things I do to maintain a healthy balance throughout my week. So here are my five tips to a somewhat balanced life.

Glass of water with lemons and mint. Keeping hydrated is Francisco's first tip for a balanced life.1. Hydration

Some of you may be rolling your eyes but hear me out. When we keep hydrated, we are nourishing our bodies from head to toe. I am not telling you to put your coffee mugs down but reminding you of the health benefits of keeping hydrated. I rarely ever get headaches but when I do, I know it’s because I am not drinking enough water. So I’ll let you in on a little secret, water is absolutely free! You’re welcome.

Being consistent with water consumption goes a long way for a balanced life. It keeps your skin looking healthy, it helps your muscles work better, it keeps you focused and it also keeps your lips plump and moist. This is for you ladies; if you are striving for those trendy Kardashian lips, save your money, stay hydrated and keep #nofilter literal.

2. Healthy eating

I know I am not your mother and it’s not my duty to remind you to eat your vegetables… but eat your vegetables! This doesn’t mean we should restrict ourselves from our favourite foods but it’s always a good idea to assess our food choices. Poor diets are usually accompanied by negative moods, which can be a major challenge for anyone trying to get through the school year successfully. I usually pre-pack my meals, which helps me monitor what I am putting in my body. Is it nutritious or just empty calories? It also cuts down on food costs, which can get expensive if we are constantly eating food from the food court.

3. Me time

If you find yourself sighing while doing school work it probably means you’ve been working for hours. Remember that you are allowed to take breaks. Go out for a walk or for a run. Meet up with a friend and stretch your legs. Don’t isolate yourself in your room or in your house. Switch up your environments. Sometimes when we take these breaks, we activate healthy ideas and thoughts that can help us finish those essays we just couldn’t find the right words for.

4. Recognize your priorities

What is important to you? I ask myself this question a lot. Now that I am in school, my top priorities have become my health and well-being, a balanced life. I understand it’s different for everyone but I encourage you to recognize what is important to you and make it known to those in your support network. This is important because it enables clear communication and avoids conflict. Also keep in mind you are not being selfish if you decide to focus on your own well being.

5. Snacking

This is a big one for me. I LOVE my snacks. Snacks help me get through my day and also help me maintain a positive attitude. Whenever I feel annoyed or become “hangry”, I know a snack will almost always solve the situation. Picture a guinea pig munching on veggie sticks. I am that guinea pig. I tend to keep my snacks fairly healthy but like I mentioned before, don’t restrict yourself from food! Sometimes you need fries and ketchup to get the job done. So snack away and remember to take care of not just your body, but also your spirit and mind.

These tips are what help me get through my week. Hopefully they help you get through yours!

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